Generative AI

Revolutionizing Real Estate: How Chat GPT Is Changing the Game for Market Participants

Unlocking the Power of Chat GPT: Enhancing Data Analysis with Automated Code Writing In an age of misinformation, I think most of us will agree that information safety has to be the number one concern. GPT-5 model will be able to

A Customer Centric World in The Banking Industry

How can Banking & Finance teams leverage document automation? A trend that seems to be steadily increasing, and commonly referred to as the retail revolution. Banks have a great opportunity to capitalise on the retail revolution and be on the

Insurance Chatbot ChatBots for Insurance Industry

The State of Insurance Chatbots in 2022: Use-cases, Reports, and more You can always program it in a way where customers can quickly request a live agent in case there’s a complex query that requires human assistance. Regardless of the

AI Image Recognition: Everythig You Need to Know

AI Image Recognition: The Essential Technology of Computer Vision This step is full of pitfalls that you can read about in our article on AI project stages. A separate issue that we would like to share with you deals with

Exploring Machine Learning Algorithms for Natural Language Processing

Are we there yet? Thematic analysis, NLP, and machine learning for research Kingston University Research Repository As the demand for NLP applications and services continues to grow, many organisations are turning to outsourcing natural language processing services to meet their

Website E-shop Bot and Automatic SEO

5 Tips to Increase Sales With Chatbots This Holiday Season Chris has spent hours examining the Supreme site’s source code, looking for changes that could affect the bot’s success rate. These are often things, he says, such as added full

Top 15 Chatbot Datasets for NLP Projects

Guide to AI in customer service using chatbots and NLP The results of patent search will be used as the data source for clustering task at level 2. To use more patents for clustering, traditional patent search is also tried,

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