Easy GTD®: How to Get Things Done or Get Back on the GTD Wagon

How you organize those to-dos is up to you, but remember, don’t over-hack your method. Personally, every morning I spend about five minutes making sure everything on my to-do list reflects everything I need to do that day, and anything that’s big or vague has enough clarity that I can run with it. Facile Things is an awesome GTD-based app that guides you through all the steps of this productivity method. It makes it easy to capture ideas, clarify and organize them, review the system, and round up the whole story by giving you results. As we know, the core concept behind GTD or Getting Things Done is to offload all of your ideas and thoughts into a task management tool or a to-do list app, or if you are severely cash-strapped, on paper.

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But you should keep in mind that most free applications have quite basic or no premium features, which would decrease your productivity. In addition to the wonderful mobile application, Hive also https://deveducation.com/en/blog/ has different desktop and web applications that boost your productivity levels even more. Each project can be viewed in many different ways as per the needs and requirements of the audience.

David Allen Getting Things Done

If you use a task manager as your GTD app, the inbox of your task manager can be a great candidate for productive capture. The GTD system might seem overwhelming, but you can master it by following the steps and principles. If you do use the GTD system, you’ll become a more efficient and organized person.

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The problem is that most people don’t do anything with these thoughts when they have them, and they just put them off. Getting Things Done is for anyone who has a busy life and wants to manage it with less stress. You’ll move to-dos from your Inbox into the appropriate project during the Organize step. Asana is a work management system that organizes work so your team knows what to do, why it matters, and how to get it done. Update and review all pertinent system contents to regain control and focus.


ClickUp could be the right getting things done app regardless of whether you are a small business owner, manager, or artist who would like to master the GTD productivity method. All this creates a smooth workflow, saves time, and maximizes productivity to an extent you can’t even imagine. For example, let’s say you see a poster for a concert that’s not for several months. You know you want to attend if you’re available, but you don’t know what your schedule will be.

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The application is free to download, and a paid subscription with add-ons is also available. Coming back to Wunderlist, the app had a cult-like following among GTD power user communities. Therefore, if you were a diehard Wunderlist fan, Microsoft To-Do won’t feel any different. For instance, if you are currently using Outlook as your go-to email management platform, you can automatically synch everything with Microsoft To-Do mobile application. Alternatively, the same can be done through a laptop or a desktop computer; it depends on you.

This step requires a lot of energy and time as you need to go through extensive thought processes to capture all to-dos and ideas in one place. Hence, you need to immediately store events, ideas, appointments, to-dos, tasks, subtasks, project references, etc., in your inbox. This inbox could be a paper-based filing system or apps like Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Evernote, OneNote, etc.

With features like tasks with due dates, calendar, milestones, and time tracking, ProofHub makes sure that you always have a clear picture of your tasks and projects. Here is where the time spent clarifying and organizing your tasks pays off. Your system is now full of concrete, actionable items organized into logical categories, ready for you to jump in. You’ll see that all of the labels, projects, and due dates added in the steps above help you quickly answer the question “What should I be doing right now?

  • I’ve listed many of them already in this post, and more come out every year.
  • This lightweight GTD app enables you to convert your to-dos into respective projects and tasks and check their progress through Kanban boards.
  • For example, consider a research paper you have to write for your poli-sci class.
  • To-do lists and note-taking apps like TickTick, Todoist, Firetask, Hitask, Evernote, etc., help you organizing and viewing your to-do lists.

Do you feel that you’re processing multiple tasks and projects in your head but not actually completing them? When you think a lot about tasks, projects, and goals, it becomes challenging for your mind to focus on productivity. Organizing is a critical part of the GTD method—but the exact organizational system you set up is up to you. In Asana, everything that’s assigned to you automatically goes into your My Tasks. You can create additional sections in your My Tasks to organize high-priority work that’s due today, work that’s due this week, and longer-term work. If you’re trying to improve personal productivity, consider using a to-do list to track your work.

gtd system


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